
I will be working as a post-doc (starting November hopefully) at Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Applications in Poitiers, France under the mentorship of Samuel Boissière, Enrica Floris and Alessandra Sarti.

The theme of my interest, in the large sense is complex algebraic geometry. More specifically, I am interested in the classification problems of singular spaces using either algebraic methods or analytical methods.


Here is the pronunciation of my first name : /ziniŋ(ɡ)/ (French IPA) or /zɪnɪŋ(ɡ)/ (English IPA).

Research Works


Fundamental groups of log Calabi-Yau surfaces. ( joint work with Cécile Gachet, HU Berlin and Joaquín Moraga, UCLA). arXiv:2312.03981

Accepted articles:

A note on polarized varieties with high nef value. Advances in Geometry, Volume 24 Issue 1 (2024)

On the Fundamental Group of Compact Kähler Orbifolds with Nef Anti-Canonical Bundle. Math. Z. 305, 33 (2023)

Contact Information

email: zhining.liu[nospam]ibs.re.kr (NOT functional any more)

You could reach me at zhining.liu.math[nospam]gmail.com

To write an email to me, please switch [nospam] to @

Do you know mathstodon?

A google-free personal page should be available in the (hopefully) near future. I will then migrate to that page.   (無理です)


There are at lease two people doing computer science with the same name as me. I apologise for being a mathematician. 

Here is a video on why we should speak French:
